The title bar of the window contains information about the Program version and license owner.
The following are the main elements of the program that will be available to you.
Main toolbar
The toolbar contains the following main buttons to control the Program:
- Start/Stop button for the vehicle/car ads (auto sites) monitoring mode;
- Add button to add/create a new search request or a new seller contact;
- Edit button for editing search requests and seller contacts;
- Hide menu button to hide the program accordion menu from view;
- Feedback button to send a message/question to and receive technical support from the software developer;
- Help button to provide with easy access to information and advice on the program;
- Car Ads Download Indicator (displays the data downоad rate in kbit/s, or the number of downloaded ads per second, pcs/s, to choose between them).
In addition, the toolbar contains a "
Download Indicator" for car sale advertisements:
The "
Download Indicator" displays the car ad download speed in such showings:
- Data download rate, kb/s;
- Number of downloaded car ads per sec.
Accordion menu of the Program
The accordion/side menu contains the following items:
- Favorites - this item contains car ads/offers that were marked by the user as favorites;
- Car Search - contains search requests/queries to car websites;
- Contacts and addresses - contains car sellers contacts/addresses saved by the user;
- Recycle Bin - contains car ads deleted by the user;
- Options - contains all program settings available to the user.
At your discretion, you can hide or display the program accordion menu by using the corresponding button in the main control toolbar of the program. You are also provided with the possibility of choosing/changing its location – to the left or to the right side - by selecting the corresponding position in the menu View -> Show Menu.
Top toolbar of the Program
The program top toolbar/menu contains icon buttons that are necessary to handle the car sale ads or car sellers contacts:
- Delete button to delete a vehicle/car ad from search results by transferring it to the Recycle Bin (see the Accordion menu of the Program);
- Print button to call the printing dialog/form for car ads chosen;
- Export button to start a mechanism for exporting chosen car ads into the .csv format. For more detailed information on this possibility, please proceed to the section Export and import search requests;
- Mobile Agent button to start the mobile agent synchronization;
- Filter button to let you apply different filter sets to car ads downloaded. For more detailed information on this possibility, please proceed to the section Found car ads search and filtering;
- Search button to let you perform a search within car ads downloaded. For more detailed information on this possibility, please position yourself to the section Found car ads search and filtering.
Main data area
This is the main part in the program interface. Depending on the selected item of the accordion/side menu (see the Accordion menu of the Program), it contains:
- a list of and detailed information on found car ads marked as favourites by the user;
- a list of and detailed information on downloaded car ads;
- a list of and contact details of car sellers;
- a list of and detailed information on car ads deleted by the user;
- program options.