• Русский
  • English
  • Deutsch

Cars HotSurf is the car finder software tool

Installation manual

Step 1: Download and Run Cars HotSurf installer

Download Cars HotSurf installer software from hotsurf.biz. At the beginning of downloading you can see a security warning from your browser:
Click "Run" and wait until Cars HotSurf installer is completely downloaded from website.

After that the Cars HotSurf installer should start automatically. In case it does not happen, start it manually.

At the moment starting of the Cars HotSurf installer you can see Windows security warning:

Click "Start" button and wait for Cars HotSurf installer to run.

Step 2: Cars HotSurf software installation

Select English to continue Cars HotSurf installer in English:

Click "Next" button in the dialog window:

In the next window you must accept our "Terms of Use". Then click "Next" button:

Specify if you want to create an icon to start the software on your desktop. Then click "Next" button:

Wait until Cars HotSurf installer is finished. Then select run Cars HotSurf software and click "Finish":

Step 1: Download and Run Cars HotSurf installer

Download hotsurf.dmg file from hotsurf.biz site. To start Cars HotSurf installer open the file in the new window, open HotSurf.mpkg file:
Содержание файла hotsurf.dmg
If at this stage you get the error "App can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer" you can open HotSurf.mpkg file by pressing the right mouse button and select "Open".

Or you can permanently solve the issue of opening these files in the settings in the section "Security & Privacy", then select "General"and by unblocking the lock, choose"Allow apps downloaded from — anywhere":
Разблокировка безопасности

Step 2: Cars HotSurf software installation

In the Cars HotSurf installer window click "Continue":
Начальное окно программы для установки Cars HotSurf

Then select English to proceed with Cars HotSurf installation in English and click "Continue":
Начало установки программы Cars HotSurf

In the next window you are asked to accept our "Terms of Use". Then click "Continue":
Пользовательского соглашение при установке программы Cars HotSurf

Specify the path where you want to install the software or leave it by default. Then click "Continue":
Создать иконку на рабочем столе для программы Cars HotSurf

In the next window enter your password for the user account. Then click "Continue":
Создать иконку на рабочем столе для программы Cars HotSurf

Wait until Cars HotSurf software installation is completed. Then click "Close":
Окончание установки для программы Cars HotSurf

Step 3. Cars HotSurf first running and activation

When you first run the software you will see Cars HotSurf activation window. Select English and enter your e-mail address that you use on hotsurf.biz site and the software license key. Then click "Activate!":
We send you Cars HotSurf software license key after your registration on the software website. Moreover the license key is available on our website under your account in the "Licenses" section.